Export to GIF Format: For easy embedding into Web pages.Notes to Textboxes: Converts notes made during recording into movie textboxes.Blur Tool: For blurring out sensitive details in a movie.Gallery: A gallery of in-movie objects like textboxes, images, highlights etc.Fade Transitions: For adding transition effects to join clips when creating a movie.Team License option to eliminate the need to buy multiple licenses in an organization.Dedicated online video sharing website – FlashBack Connect, with customization options for marketing/branding movie pages.Password protection for recordings that need to be kept secure.Magnifier effect to enlarge parts of the movie.Features to enable localization of movies.In October 2014, Blueberry Software launched BB FlashBack 5, which adds the ability to record a video once and release it in multiple languages a magnifier effect to enlarge parts of the movie password protection for recordings and a new user interface, and easier sharing via integration with a new dedicated online video sharing website – FlashBack Connect. In summer 2003, Blueberry Software was created and released the first version of BB FlashBack. The development company that makes the program began in 1997 as Blueberry Consultants, a software development company producing tailor-made software projects. A freeware version of this program was released in April 2009. A PowerPoint plug-in is also deployed with the program's installer. Once editing is complete they can be exported to Flash, AVI, and a variety of other formats. Recordings are initially saved in a proprietary format which can be opened and edited in the associated editor. It allows the user to add text effects, cut and paste movie footage and edit mouse movements. Never miss an important presentation or video recording again with Movavi's scheduling feature, which enables you to set dates and time limits for recordings in advance.BB FlashBack is a Windows-based screen recording program, distributed by Blueberry Software. With Movavi Screen Recorder, you can record audio-only files, allowing you to create separate voice-overs.

Additionally, you can capture both webcam footage and screen recordings at the same time. Record videos or still images directly from your webcam using Movavi Screen Recorder.

You can also show keystrokes and mouse movements to illustrate workflows and add value to your videos. Highlight and draw attention to specific parts of your screen during recording using Movavi's drawing tools. Show keystrokes and mouse and draw on videos. Movavi Screen Recorder allows users to record and save videos in both Full HD and 4K. Here are some key features found in Movavi Screen Recorder: Since you’re comparing both FlashBack screen recording solutions, consider Movavi Screen Recorder. FlashBack Express is one of many top-tier screen-recording programs available.